Choice. Leverage. Savings.
Best-in-Class Service in Pharmacy Benefit Navigation

You deserve better. Better options, better leverage, better savings.
CoeoRx is a pharmacy benefit navigator dedicated to optimizing Rx benefits for quality and cost-effectiveness, ensuring member health and safety, and significant savings.

Who we serve
When it comes to healthcare costs, employers have been paying too much for too long. We work with these groups, and the professionals who serve them, to lower their pharmacy benefit costs.
See how we partner with:

What We Offer
Optimize your Rx spend with total pharmacy benefit solutions developed by industry veterans with decades of experience and expertise.
Explore our solutions:
Pharmacy Coalition Access & Support

30% Savings
Our solutions and expertise drive average savings of 30% on pharmacy costs.

Looking for more choices? Access to increased savings?
Request a Free Rx Savings Analysis
Don’t believe we are different? Let us prove it. Contact us for a free Rx savings analysis where we will demonstrate the choices, leverage and savings we can deliver.